This tutorial will show you how to edit existing emails in your autoresponder series. If you want to create an email with a totally new look that can't be achieved by adding colors and images to the current template, please follow these directions instead: How to Create a Custom Email Template.

Watch video here

1. Log into your Email Marketing System and navigate to "Automations" in the main menu of your Dashboard page.

2. Find the automation that contains the email you wish to update, and click the button below the automation title that says "Edit".

3. Scroll through the chain of events until you find the email you want to edit (it will say "Send Email: [email name]" ). Click on the box. 

4. The box will change to show options below the email name that say "Edit," "Save," or "Cancel." Click "Edit."

5. This will take you to a text editor window with the content of your email inside. Using the visual editor, you can change the text, or change your font styles, sizes, colors, etc. 

6. To add images: put your cursor in the section of the email where you would like to place your image, and click on the icon in the toolbar that looks like a picture. A pop-up window will appear. You can add your image by either copying the link to the image into the Image URL text box, or you can upload an image from your computer by clicking on the File icon to the right of the URL bar. Click "Insert" to place the image into the body of your email. Once the image is inserted, you can click on it and drag the box to make it larger or smaller. 

7. To add links: highlight the section of the text that you want to show as a link (ie "Click Here") and click the icon in the toolbar that looks like a chain. A pop-up window will appear. Paste the URL of the link into the URL bar, and either leave the default "Target" to be "Open in this window" or select "Open in new window" from the dropdown menu. Click insert to add the link to your email. 

8. Once you have made all your changes, click "Next" at the bottom of the page to save your email and move to the next step. 

9. This takes you to a Summary and Options page, where you can view some details about your email and even send yourself a test email to see what it will look like. To send a test, make sure your email address is entered in the "Send Test Email" box, and then click the "Send Test Email Button." Look for a little green message to pop up at the top of the page to say "Test Email Sent". Click "Finish" at the bottom of the page to save your changes and complete the process.

10. This will take you back to the Autoresponder Series. Repeat the process on all emails that you wish to edit. Your series will save automatically as you go through each event, so whenever you are finished editing, you can exit the page and it will be saved. 

*Note: IF you changed a link in the email AND your series has an "If/Else" statement after the email, you need to update this statement to include the updated link. It will be a blue box that says something like "Does contact match the following conditions? (has clicked a link ""), and when you click on the box, you get a popup window with three sections. 

Make sure the name of the email in the second box matches the name of the email you were working on (click the box to get a dropdown with the list of all emails to choose another one), and then click on the third box to pull up a dropdown menu of all the links in that email. Select your new link from the list or choose "Any link", and click "OK" to save it.