First you will need a template for your campaign. Read about how to make templates here.
Go to "Campaigns" in the top navigation bar and click on the green "+ New Campaign" button.
Type in a campaign name that will help you remember what the campaign is about for future reference. For example, August 2015 Newsletter. Make sure the "Standard" campaign type is selected below. Click the green "Next" button.
Check the lists you want receive this email. Click "Next".
Choose the template you made earlier. Click on "Use this design," type in the sender details, and then click "Continue".
You should see the drag-and-drop email editor. Use this to change the text and images for this campaign. Click "Next" when you're done.
- Review the Campaign Summary on the next page and make sure everything looks correct. You can preview the email and send a test to yourself before it goes out to make sure it looks okay. Don't worry if you see red buttons - these are just indicators that some settings are turned off. You do not have to turn them on. Click on "Send now" when everything looks ready.